But he is worth watching, he deserves an Oscar nomination and hopefully he'll be up there for next year. Rob Lowing: It feels as though you've seen time and time before, but of course its saving grace is Leonardo DiCaprio who's fantastic in it: he has this impish, mischievous little face, so that you really want to follow him, even when there's this leaping characterisation, whereby he suddenly graduates from sniffing what looks like pure and simple oven cleaner onto hard drugs, which I found in context a little hard to believe, that he would actually get into needles at that point.

Lorraine Bracco plays Jim's mother beautifully. Director Scott Kalvert, who made his name directing music videos, tends to labour the point with this, his first feature. However the performances are generally solid. It is likewise not available via digital outlets to purchase or rent. where you can catch The Basketball Diaries. Distributed by New Line Cinema, The Basketball Diaries stars Leonardo DiCaprio. Right now, there is no streaming service in the U.S. It tells the story of Carroll's teenage years as a promising high school basketball player and writer who develops an addiction to heroin. Leonardo DiCaprio is a fine young actor, but he's slightly less interesting in this film than his others. The Basketball Diaries is a 1995 American biographical crime drama film directed by Scott Kalvert and based on an autobiographical novel by the same name written by Jim Carroll. Perhaps the book has an immediacy, a poetry, that just can't be captured on film. The book of 'The Basketball Diaries' was published 1978. Margaret: The problem with stories about drug use and abuse is that they're basically all the same and zonked out people are boring on screen. Jim Carroll's stories about his misspent youth were first printed in the late 1960s. Watch Margaret's entire review in the above video.